Saturday, March 4, 2023

The beginning of many firsts

​Today’s ride was to the Coast. I’m definitely already learning so much. Riding loaded and setting up camp is a new experience for me. But, I think it's going to be warm and cozy. Well maybe warm is stretching it, but hoping the racoons stay away! We stopped at a store, so dinner tonight for me is papaya and a small deli sub. 

Its cold and getting late, so I will leave you with a picture from my 1st campsite of this journey.

Words can't describe

First Night in a tent

Just Me - By the Sea


  1. Praying for you ladies! 🙏 prayers of safety, wisdom and fun! No injuries and a beautiful ride! PJ

  2. The pictures are beautiful Vicki!! The tent is larger than I thought so there’s a Praise!! Following you closely!🙏

  3. Beautiful photos….stay safe.,.Jane

  4. Looking good….Jane
