Sunday, April 2, 2023

Mountains to Climb

​Mountains were part of today's ride. Not as bad as some we have had, but nevertheless, mountains. Today was just a straight shot to Marathon with a tail wind. After 55 miles, we stopped at the Marathon Campground and set up our tents next to the chicken house to block the wind. There is a large organized cycling tour group here as well. It was an uneventful day, just peddling and taking advantage of the tail wind and sunshine.

Hoping to sleep well tonight. We are both tired from a rough, restless night. 

Sorry, there are not any really good pictures. Hopefully tomorrows ride will be more eventful. 

Chicken House Next-door! 😕

Marathon Texas - elevation 4,081 ft

Ruh-Roh... Huge Mountains ahead 😓

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