Friday, March 17, 2023

Yuma to Dateland

​After being sent off with a nice breakfast from our warm shower hosts, we continued riding east, chipping away at getting across Arizona. I am loving riding in the warm sunshine. There is nothing but desert as far as you can see.

One of stops today was at a Mexican grocery store with the promise of the best burritos in town. I decided not to buy anything, but as two men walked out, in broken English, they asked me if I wanted a burrito, and they were buying. Of course, I said yes, and it set my mouth on fire. But it sure was good!

We made our way to Dateland. It got its name after the Medjool date and claim to have the best date milkshakes in the world. Since I've never had one before, I have to say it was really good. We had decent roads today. The campground is nothing great but at least is on dirt and not concrete, right next to a train track, but it does have a shower! Some of the RV campers invited us to dinner. It's fun getting to know people that our paths would never have crossed except like this.

Looks like tomorrow we head towards Gila Bend.

Finally got to shed some layers.
Camp @ Sunset in Dateland

Dateland - Original Name was Wellton - founded 1878!

Exiting Interstate 8 ... again


I set my Mouth on Fire here....

Desert, Desert and more Desert


  1. Great photos…and sounds like you met some amazing people today…Jane

  2. The date milkshake takes me back to making ice cream for David and sweetening with blended dates- pedal on- prayers for safety❤️🙏🚴‍♀️- Poddy

  3. I love your shirt! Sounds like you’ve met some really nice people along the way. You’re making good headway! -Hannah

  4. Great stories! Pedal on!
